My dog ate grapes but seems fine
Dogs like us love to eat fruit since they are delicious and also very moisturizing; they contain vitamins, minerals and toxins. Yes, you read that right, they contain toxins that are generally harmless to humans but not to dogs.
Grapes are toxic food for dogs; this means that if they eat them, they will be intoxicated and suffer pain and health problems, even death if the amount is huge.
What happens if my dog eats grapes?
My dog ate one grape. Depending on the amount you eat, He will vomit and suffer from diarrhea and stomach pain as symptoms on a general level. But if he eats a lot, he probably even dies.
The amount of grapes that is deadly for a dog is estimated at 32 grams per kilo of weight for fresh grapes and 10 grams per kilo of weight for raisins according to the Merck veterinary manual.
If our dog ingests grapes or raisins and his health is delicate, the problems are usually more severe.
A grape or raisin, nothing happens, or should not occur. The problem comes when your dog ingest an amount greater than 35 grams per kg of dog weight. Example, our Byanca weighing 12 kg, eating half a kg of grapes or half a kg of raisins is very dangerous for your health.
As we have already said, depending on the construction of the dog, its genetics, its state of health, etc., it will affect it in one way or another.
For many studies that are done, no one can say that it is precisely what makes the dog sick, what studies have reached is that all kinds of grapes affect them negatively, severely damaging their kidneys and causing kidney failure.
What exactly happens to dogs? Well, after the intake of grapes or raisins, the dog begins with gastrointestinal discomfort followed by acute renal failure.
In the first two hours the dogs vomit. After the early 5 hours, dogs begin with diarrhoea and lethargy. They are very thirsty. At 24 hours, renal failure is already present and worsens in the following days.
Renal failure manifests because the dog has abdominal pain, loses the desire to eat, is depressed and lethargic, vomits and has tremors. It is observed that he urinates less frequently and already in the veterinarian, they indicate that he has hypovolemia, a decrease in blood plasma.
What should we do after seeing that the dog has eaten grapes or raisins? Well, the first thing is to make the dog vomit. Try by all means to eat a piece of slowly burned bread. It will cost us work, but we must make it eat because it is activated carbon and will decrease the absorption of anything that attacks the kidney.
Go immediately to the veterinarian for intravenous treatment in a veterinary clinic.
Many people do not know how dangerous grapes are for our dogs. As always, there are dogs and dogs, and not all suffer complications from the intake of grapes or raisins. I know some winemakers who live in a large field where there are planted vines, and occasionally they give their eater of grapes, and nothing ever happened to them, at least that is what their owner tells us, who has never noticed that their dogs got sick from eating grapes. Coincidences? Genetics in that particular race? The truth is that the studies are there and I tell you, prevention is better than cure.
10 foods that are toxic to your dog
He is the ‘number one’ enemy of our furry and can even endanger his life. The culprit: theobromine. While humans metabolize it without problems, dogs do it much more slowly, so it can accumulate in their body to reach toxic levels.
Now, not all dogs react the same. Large dogs can eat much more chocolate until they feel its adverse effects than a small dog. Its toxicity also depends on the type of chocolate. Those that contain more cocoa such as dark chocolate have higher levels of theobromine, compared to milk or white chocolate.
According to the Merk Veterinary manual, if your dog has consumed approximately 28 to 29 grams of chocolate per kilo of weight, the dose could be lethal.
Therefore, you should always keep your dog away from any food that contains chocolate, because although occasional consumption may only cause stomach upset with vomiting or diarrhoea; in higher amounts, it can cause muscle tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeats, internal bleeding or a heart attack.
And if by an oversight you see that your dog has eaten the box of chocolates that they gave you, go immediately to the veterinarian. The usual treatment of theobromine poisoning is to induce vomiting within two hours after ingestion. Time is of vital importance.
It is toxic due to its content in sulfuric compounds. Dogs do not have the enzyme necessary to digest them and, therefore, their consumption can cause serious problems. Although if you eat a small amount occasionally, nothing may happen to you, high or regular use can cause hemolytic anaemia or severe kidney failure. Symptoms usually do not occur immediately but after several days and include diarrhoea, lack of appetite, weakness, rapid pulse and respiratory problems in the case of anaemia; and increased thirst and urine, in the case of renal failure.
Although it has antifungal, antibiotic and antiparasitic effects, it is a food that should be avoided since it contains allicin, which can cause hemolytic anaemia. However, its results vary widely from animal to animal and can be especially harmful to dogs with immune, digestive or allergic problems.
Despite being a healthy food for humans, the same does not happen with dogs and cats for which some parts are toxic. It is the case of both the bone and the shell, which contain a toxin called persona that causes diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, hair loss and decay. Also, avocado seed if ingested can block the digestive tract and require emergency surgery.
Apple is one of the most recommended fruits for dogs, but it should be consumed in moderation because of its high sugar content. Now, the seeds are very harmful because of their high content of amygdalin, a potentially toxic glycoside.
Another example of a delicious dry fruit for humans that is not, at all, for dogs. Its high phosphorus content can produce bladder stones. Macadamia nuts are toxic and can cause vomiting, muscle pain, swelling of the joints, high fever
Although some dogs consume cow’s milk without problems, most do not feel well. Milk contains a complex sugar -lactose- that needs an enzyme -lactase- to be digested. But our friends, in general, do not have large amounts of this enzyme in their digestive system. Also, cow’s milk fat can cause .diarrhea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal problems. So better to do without cow’s milk, especially with puppies, who do not yet have the digestive system developed.
And the milk derivatives? Dogs can eat cheese occasionally (fresh, cured, semi-cured), since being fermented milk contains less or no lactose, but it should always start with a small amount to see if it tolerates it well. As for yoghurt, they can also eat it but better if it is natural and without sweeteners.
Its consumption is dangerous. In large quantities, they can damage the kidney and cause kidney failure and in small amounts cause severe diarrhoea, vomiting. Therefore, if you suspect that your dog suffers from grape poisoning, go to your veterinarian as soon as possible.
They contain methylxanthine, a stimulating alkaloid that acts directly on the central nervous system of the dog and can impair the functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system. The most frequent symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, diarrhoea, incontinence, tremors. that it is convenient to act soon, causing the animal to vomit.
“The bones are not recommended in any case. Some, like chicken, are easily splintered and can be stuck in any part of the digestive tract, causing a wound in the mouth to a perforation in the intestine. Others more significant, like cow’s, they don’t usually want flake, but they are also dangerous since the dog gnaws them. That bone material binds to the digestive content resulting in tough stools so much that they cause constipation, sometimes so severe that they cause intestinal obstruction that it requires surgery for its resolution, “they explain from Royal Canin.
But then, should we never give them homemade food even if it is prepared with foods they can eat?
“The most recommended diet is one that responds to the nutritional needs of each dog,” explains Baciero. Therefore, “although a homemade diet based on food suitable for dogs might be adequate, to develop it, one would have to have nutritional knowledge to ensure that it incorporated the appropriate nutrients to their age, size, physiological state, possible disease or sensitivity. ” Instead, he adds, “if we opt for an already prepared food, we have the guarantee that our dog eats respecting that balance of nutrients; as long as we choose a food suitable for his needs and respect the recommended daily ration.”
An opinion shared by Alfredo Molina, manager of the veterinary clinic La Asunción de Elche: “Quality feed is the best food for dogs since they take many years of research and testing and provide all the necessary nutrients. I do not recommend any food that is not explicitly made for them and from a trusted brand, because I have seen problems with practically everyone: some of them feel good, and others may feel very bad, “he concludes.
Undoubtedly, food is vital for our pets to be healthy and in an optimal state, so it is essential to choose their food. From Royal Canin, they recommend asking three critical questions before choosing any product: “Is it safe? Is it nutritious? Is it adequate?” Safety comes. First, we have to look for food that is prepared with all the necessary controls in all processes. We also have to take into account the nutrients our pet needs and not just the ingredients of the product.
And finally, we have to analyze how our dog is. A puppy is not the same as an adult dog, a dog that lives outside or another that has a skin sensitivity. That is to say; we must seek nutrition as carefully as possible, “Baciero recommends.
What if we want to give him some prize? “It would be best if it were your own food,” advises the expert. “A good idea for this is to play with the texture and give a portion of your ration in wet format. In any case, what we do have to do is discount it from your daily quota. So we will avoid excess calories and that our pet can have overweight problems in the future. “
Disease control Natural Disasters Hazardous Materials. http://www.adph.org/CEP/assets/EmergencyPrepGuide.pdf
Grapes and Toxicity to Dogs | Central Animal Hospital. http://centralanimalhospital.ca/grapes-and-dogs/
Grape and Raisin Poisoning in Dogs | petMD | PetMD. https://www.petmd.com/dog/emergency/digestive/e_dg_grape_raisin_toxicity