White specks in dog poop. Have you seen white things in your dog’s feces? If you see something like little white things inside your dog’s feces, it means your dog has parasites. If the white specks in your dog’s poop are not moving, it’s usually a good sign. In this article, we will help you identify them, prevent their spread, and know how to treat them.
First of all, never try to deworm your dog at home with natural or homemade methods. Asking what you can give him is a mistake. You can find advice or guides on the internet that will tell you that drinking or eating one thing or another will remove the parasites, but it is false. What you have to do is go to the vet. Put yourself in his shoes, wouldn’t you like to be taken to the doctor? You can count on our online specialists to ask them all your questions.
White things in my dog’s stool
First of all, what we want to do is reassure you. When we see those white balls moving, it is normal for us to be alarmed and believe that our dog is naughty. The truth is that they are nothing more than the remains of some parasites that inhabit its gut and gastric system, feed on it, and make your furry sick.
There are several ways to know that your dog has a parasite infestation. The most obvious is to discover these grains of rice in your stool, but there are clues that will reveal it to you sooner. A hard belly or watching your dog lick his butt will tell you that these parasites may be attacking him. If your dog rubs it with the tongue, it is because it itches because of these unwanted guests. If the belly offers resistance to pressure, it is full of them.
Feces with white dots, what to do?

Once you discover any of these symptoms, what you have to do is go to the vet. He will examine your furry, check all its symptoms, and determine a procedure to eliminate all parasites by the roots. In addition to that, he will give you advice so that you never have intestinal parasites again.
The two most common parasites in dogs are tapeworms and roundworms. The latter is shaped like thick white threads that you’ll see twist if they reach his rectum alive, and he poops them. The others, tapeworms, are long snake-shaped creatures that feed on what your dog eats. Those white balls that he expels when defecating are pieces of the tapeworm, which means that this parasite still lives inside him. You cannot kill tapeworms with home remedies. There is nothing that you can cure it.
My Dog Has White Worms – How To Prevent Tapeworm
The question you are now asking yourself is, how did you get parasites? These critters are very resistant and are always in search of living things to feed on. When they are not inside a dog, they can remain alive for a long time in the garbage or in the remains of the street. If your colleague goes out into the street and you get confused, he can put something in his mouth that has a baby tapeworm growing inside it.
That is, if there is little hygiene in an area, do not let your dog approach there if you do not want to find white balls in its stool one day. Another thing that you have to avoid is that it eats the poop of another dog. The reason is obvious, if worms or tapeworms are found in those, they will end up in your belly and infect you.
My newly adopted puppy poops live worms.
Parasites are common in puppies because they have low immune systems, making them easy prey for parasites. If you have just adopted a puppy in a shelter or have found it on the street, the first thing you have to do is take it to the vet to deworm it. And don’t be careless; some furry ones may not show symptoms of having parasites until they expel these little white balls.
In short: poor hygiene, not deworming, or not taking care of what you put in your mouth can lead to parasites. If you have them, don’t worry, they are easy to eliminate as long as you have the help of a veterinarian but never resort to home remedies. They will not work. Ask us all your questions without obligation.
What does a healthy dog poop look like?
Healthy dog excrement (also called “feces”) is dark brown, has a sausage shape, and is pliable. It’s neither greasy nor slimy. BUT: It can vary. Because if your dog has eaten a lot of grass, then the droppings will turn green. Or if he has fed some of the chewing bones with lots of additives, the droppings will turn lighter. So always think about what the dog ate.
How often is it normal to have a stool?
This varies according to breed and size. But upbringing is also crucial. Did you know that dogs can be trained how often and when to defecate? For example, guide dogs are trained to urinate or defecate on command. Why? In this way, the blind man clearly knows that his dog has deflated while going for a walk.
BUT: It also depends on what the dog gets as food. Because it has been clearly shown that dogs that are fed a lot of fiber, fruit, or vegetables also excrete more feces more often or more, and: If it is very hot in summer and the dog eats less, a day without manure can be normal. But please always watch. Constipation is not to be trifled with.
What does stool consistency mean?
My dog’s poop is too soft. Dog poop that is too soft
is often due to an excessive amount of indigestible protein. For example, based on too much slaughterhouse waste in the feed. Often recognized by the designation “animal by-products.” But it can also be due to insufficient vegetable fiber in the diet. Another cause of excessively soft poop can be the gelling agent that is added to some dog foods. Another possibility would be stress.
Small, hard
pieces of excrement In addition to the wrong food composition, excessively hard excrement, often in small pieces, is a sign that the dog is not drinking enough. But it can also be due to too little exercise.
Watery feces and diarrhea
can have a number of causes. Watery manure should always be clarified by the veterinarian. It can be an indication of
– intestinal irritation
– intestinal inflammation
– bacteria / viruses
– food intolerance
– parasites
-severe stress
What does yellow slime in feces mean?
Yellow slime and very soft droppings suggest that the feed is not ideal. The meat content may be too low.
My dog has blood in his poop

This is always an alarm signal.
Light-colored blood indicates inflammation in the rectum. But it can also have a cause in the a-nal glands.
Dark blood can indicate bleeding in the stomach, small or large intestine.
Blood with mucus may indicate an inflammation of the intestines or intestinal bleeding. Very often blood with mucus is also a sign of parasites.
Blood with diarrhea was in most of the cases known to us a sign of parasites and in particular Giardia.
Blood in dog feces can also be a sign of poisoning, a tumor, or gastrointestinal disorders.
What to do if there is blood in the faeces
The best thing to do is to pack the feces and see the vet immediately.

My dog has chalk white/white droppings
This indicates too much calcium. For example, if he has eaten too many bones.
What does orange-yellow dog poop mean?
Orange-yellow dog poop suggests the bile or liver. It can also be a sign that the current food is not being well-tolerated.
What do very light droppings mean?
If the feces are very light-colored, there may be a disturbance in fat digestion.
My dog has greasy, mushy feces.
Greasy feces that are also mushy can be an indication of the pancreas. Other indications of pancreatic problems include shaggy fur, gas, and persistent weight loss.
What do white spots in dog poop mean?
White spots that look like grains of rice (but can also be smaller than these) strongly indicate worms. If you can already see worms in the feces, the dog is already badly wormed. But worms can also look like spaghetti. They can also appear in vomit.
What does reddish or yellow-green dog poop mean?
This can be an indication of gallbladder problems. A yellow-green discoloration can also occur if the dog has eaten too much grass. Reddish discoloration can also be caused by food. Especially when offal was fed.