Can a dog eat raw meat?


Feeding raw meat to dogs has become increasingly popular in recent years. This would support your four-legged friend’s natural needs. But where there are proponents, there are also opponents. Therefore, this article will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a raw meat diet. Is it really as dangerous as some vets claim? Does our dog’s gastrointestinal system benefit from … Read more

BARF dog food: composition, benefits and risks


Dog barf. BARF is a popular, natural way of feeding dogs. The abbreviation stands for Biologically Appropiate Raw Food. This means that your four-legged friend will be fed meat and bone instead of chunks or wet food. How do you feed BARF to your dog? Is this safe? And is it easily available? Read all about feeding … Read more

Why does my dog ​​sleep a lot?


Have you ever noticed that your dog sleeps most of the day? If you thought an 8-hour night’s sleep is a good thing, take a good look at your four-legged friend’s naps. He sleeps twice as much. Why is that anyway? Does every dog ​​sleep as many hours? And what happens if your four-legged friend … Read more

Does a dog smell fear?


"A dog smells your fear, so always stay calm." Many parents give their children this advice for handling dogs. Because of your fears, the dog could be incited to aggression. But is this statement correct? And can a dog really smell that you are afraid of him? In this article we look at this folk … Read more